Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Download PDF Leah on the Offbeat

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Leah on the Offbeat

Leah on the Offbeat

Leah on the Offbeat

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Leah on the Offbeat


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Audible Hörbuch

Spieldauer: 7 Stunden und 6 Minuten

Format: Hörbuch-Download

Version: Ungekürzte Ausgabe

Verlag: HarperAudio Erscheinungsdatum: 24. April 2018

Sprache: Englisch, Englisch


Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 23.314 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals (Siehe Top 100 in Audible Hörbücher & Originals)

read my complete review: Blogspot: isabellsbooksInstagram: isleepnakedCan you read it if you haven't read Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda beforehand?Yes, you can. But..I sort of did do that myself since it's been quite a while that I've read Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda myself - I think I read it for the first time in 2016. So I didn't really know much about those characters anymore and found it quite hard to keep track of all the different characters at first.The book definitely expects you to know those characters and views itself as a sequel but after a while you'll get into it whether you've known the characters beforehand or not.But since Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda is a wonderful book and since its movie has just come out, I would definitely recommend to you to read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda first!And this book obviously has major spoilers for Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda so if you want to read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda one day, you should probably read that one first.MY THOUGHTS ON ITI love love love the cover. I wish there were more books in this beautiful colour and I think it's one of the prettiest books that I own. Turquoise is my favourite colour and this book sets such a beautiful contrast with the purple and I just adore the font and the drawing of Leah. So if I hadn't already loved Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, I certainly would have bought this just because of the amazing cover!So like I said, I found it quite hard to keep track of all the different characters at first. It felt as if the author expected the reader to have read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda right before this book which caused some chaos for me. There were so many names and I just didn't know who they were and had a hard time figuring out who was who and who was related to whom in which way. I should have reread Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda before I read this because I decided to reread it after I've read Leah on the Offbeat and then I knew all the characters and could follow the story right from the beginning. But as I said- although I felt thrown into this group of friends at first - I figured it out eventually. I just think that it would have been nice if the author had included a little bit of a "previously on" or just some more details and reminders of the characters. That would have made the reading easier right from the beginning.Ever since it got announced that Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (how often have I written this long title already?) will get a movie adaption, I wanted to reread the book. But I didn't think to do so BEFORE I read Leah on the Offbeat so I spoilered myself a lot because I just didn't remember a lot about Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda anymore.What I loved most about this book - besides its beautiful cover - were all the Harry Potter references! *-* If you know anything about me you know that I'm a huge Potterhead and that I love nothing more in a book than Harry Potter references. And that was also what made me love Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (I'm going to copy and paste this from now on..) so much because I remembered that it had a lot. But since I've reread Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda right after Leah on the Offbeat, I can now confirm that Leah on the Offbeat has a LOT more!And the references were just amazing - I think I posted lots of them in my Instagram Story and I've also seen others post them. Becky Albertalli is definitely the Queen of Harry Potter references.And the references were especially great this time because Leah, the main character, is a Slytherin - like me. ;) And I could therefore identify a lot with her and loved that. I think every book character should get sorted into a house. That should be the basic description of any character really: brown hair, blue eyes and Ravenclaw. I'd love that.I liked Leah but I LOVED Simon. Simon was just perfect as a side-character. Every time he appeared he just made me want to reread Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda so badly.Leah does not only identify as as Slytherin but also as bisexual. And since bisexual characters are still underrepresented in the media I just love that Becky Albertalli explored this sexuality. I also really liked the girl-girl romance in this book and thought that it was done in a lovely way and I definitely shipped the two. (I don't know if it is a spoiler to say who Leah is in love with, that's why I don't mention her name.) There was also a male love interest for Leah and I kinda wished that he would have been more of an option for Leah because that would have created more struggles and would have made the book way more thrilling.The book slowed down a lot in the middle but I nevertheless read through it extremely quickly. That's mainly due to the rather easy writing style of Becky Albertalli. Her books are incredibly easy and quickly to read through and are definitely a good choice to start reading English books.Leah was definitely not your average character. She's quite sarcastic and has a really refreshing personality.CONCLUSIONWhat bothered me the most in this book was the lightness of it. It was just not an extraordinary or even a deep book. And now that I've reread Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda and didn't love it as much as I initially did and since I also didn't really love Becky Albertalli's last book The Upside of Unrequited (click here for my review) I just think that Albertalli's books are just meant to be a light and uplifting read that doesn't go very deep and just entertains you a bit for a while and wants nothing more than that.And I know that I shouldn't compare every book I read with CALL ME BY YOUR NAME but since this is my favourite book of 2018 I just have to. And when I think about the depths that CMBYN has explored I just cannot but be a bit disappointed in Leah on the Offbeat.Maybe if I've read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda right beforehand I would have lowered my expectations because I used to adore this book and now I am not as hyped anymore.So, to sum it up, Leah on the Offbeat is definitely a nice, entertaining, lovely book which I praise for having bisexual representation in it and love for its many Harry Potter references (there could have been even way more in it - especially in the second half!) and for the extremely adorable Simon scenes, but which disappoints in its lack of going deeper and really touching the reader.MY RATINGI award this book with 3,5 out of 5 stars.

Leah, eine von Simons besten Freunden, hat ein Geheimnis, das bisher nur ihre Mutter kennt. Aber sie ist zu unsicher um sich ihren Freunden anzuvertrauen, wobei sie bezweifelt, dass einer von ihnen ein Problem damit hätte, aber trotzdem...Nach Simon (Simon vs. The homo sapiens agenda) ist jetzt Leah an der Reihe ihr Glück zu suchen und begegnet uns hier als Ich-Erzählerin in ihrem Abschlussschuljahr. Die Highschool ist fast vorbei und alles dreht sich nur noch um das College, das man besuchen wird und mit wem man zum Abschlussball gehen soll, beziehungsweise, wer einen fragt. Wenn dann die Gefühle Achterbahn fahren und auch noch Selbstzweifel hinzu kommen ob man die richtigen Entscheidungen trifft, ist klar dass dieses Jahr nicht langweilig wird.Leah ist von der Persönlichkeit her das genaue Gegenteil von Simon, was mich aber nicht gehindert hat schnell in ihre Welt einzutauchen und das Ende der Highschoolzeit zu erleben. Sie ist hochgradig sarkastisch und hat immer den passenden Spruch parat, sofern sie ihn nicht aussprechen muss, denn manchmal macht sie sich einfach zu viele Gedanken.Natürlich hab ich mich auch über ein Wiedersehen mit alten Bekannten gefreut, wie eben Simon, Bram, Nick, Abby, Taylor, Garrett oder sogar Martin.Sprachlich lässt sich das Buch sehr flüssig lesen und wenn man einmal in der Geschichte eingetaucht ist, fliegen die Seiten einfach nur so dahin ohne das man es bemerkt. Und auch wenn man mal den Kopf schütteln muss vor Unglaube oder ähnlichen, so gibt es auch hier und da mal was zu lachen.Auch diese Fortsetzung ist sehr gelungen und ein großes Lesevergnügen.

There are hardly enough words to describe my love for Simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda (5 stars forever) and The Upside of Unrequited (4.75 to 5 stars), so I was a bit disappointed by this one. It's difficult to pinpoint where exactly the "problem" was. I loved getting an outsider POV on Simon and Bram, and that there were people who realized they were bi (seeing as I myself have found myself in that situation). I liked reading about Leah in Simon and it's not as if I didn't like her here, it's just that she seems so unapproachable and standoffish, and I don't know... the whole story doesn't flow as much as the two predecessors. I felt Garrett was not done justice to - there were the hints in Simon, and it just went nowhere here. I also didn't get a feel for Abby this time round, or rather, she felt like somebody else, which is a pity. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half of the book, but then it lost steam to me. I think things would have felt more natural to develop with G than the development it took, even though I am all for a development like this in general (not trying to spoil too much, arg). Just here, I don't know, I didn't get the attraction from either end. *shrug* Maybe if you didn't read the first two books?I mean, it's still a good read compared to others of this genre, but it felt as if it had less soul than the others. And of course it's slightly more grown-up as well, seeing as they are all ready to go to college.... anyway, I guess I will stick to Simon and Molly for the umpteenth reread and keep this for another foray into Simon and Bram every now and then.

I absolutely adore this book! I read Love Simon a few years back and somehow I never realized that there are more books that take place in the same universe. I really liked Love Simon and I was really exited to read this book too. So when I finished this book I was surprised how awesome the story is. I think I like it even more than Love Simon. Leah is a really interesting and awesome character. She reminds me of myself a little bit when I was younger. I laughed and cried while reading the book. It was great to get to know Leah, Abby and the other characters a little better.If you loved Love Simon, you should go on and purchase this book immediately!! I really recommend it.

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